ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving Dover, Wilmington, & All Of Delaware
Hands installing door alarm sensor
January 22, 2024

What Are The Kinds Of Window And Door Alarms In Dover And Which Ones Should I Use?

Window and door sensors are the backbone of a security system. They safeguard your most at risk entry points and deter intrusion attempts by setting off your alarm. But what kinds are on the market, and what might you install? Discover more about window and door alarms in Dover and decide what’s suitable for your home.

Options For Door And Window Alarm Sensors In Dover

You can find different door and window alarm sensors in Dover to accommodate your home’s unique needs and your inclinations. There are three primary options to select from - contact, glass break, and motion sensors.

Contact Sensors Provide Reliable Protection

Versatile and straightforward to hook up, magnetic contact sensors are the most common window and door alarms in Dover. They have a two-piece system with a sensor body attached on one side and a magnet on the opposite side. The magnet generally fastens to the frame, and the sensor secures to the window sash or door. When the access point opens, your alarm is tripped due to the magnetic field’s interruption.

Glass Break Sensors Detect Sound, Vibration, Or Both

Glass break window alarms are accessible as acoustic sensors, shock sensors, or a mix of technologies. Shock sensors recognize the vibration resulting from glass breaking and are adhered straight on the window or the surrounding frame. Acoustic sensors distinguish sound and can affix to a wall. One acoustic sensor can cover multiple windows depending on the size of its detection range]112]. They make sense for areas like basements that are a ways from sleeping areas and more susceptible to broken glass intrusions. You can discover two-fold sensors that cut down on false alarms by needing both sound and vibration to be perceived.

Motion Sensors Give You An Additional Choice

When shielding your access points, you have an additional choice with motion detectors. You can position motion detectors so your windows and doors are within their detection range.

Further Possibilities for Window And Door Alarm Sensors In Dover

You have additional choices with door and window alarm sensors in Dover. At the beginning, you’ll need to decide whether to select wireless or wired devices. Wireless is routinely preferred because of the versatility and simplicity of installation.

Luckily, wireless security and connectivity have significantly improved in recent years, making these sensors a solid possibility. Even so, there could be situations when wired components are preferred, such as moving into a house with existing wiring for security.

Choose From Different Sorts of Contact Sensors

Most residents get contact sensors that affix right to windows, doors, and the surrounding frame. They mix easily with your interior and don’t occupy much space. Slim models are even more inconspicuous and are perfect for different types of entrances, like sliding doors. However, if you prefer not to have a clearly seen sensor for design reasons or due to a customized door or window style, you can get recessed sensors. These are placed neatly inside your entrance and frame and are practically invisible, although a drill is necessary to place the sensor.

Find The Right Window And Door Alarms In Dover From Secure24 Alarm Systems

Customize your home’s defense with your preference of window and door alarms in Dover from Secure24 Alarm Systems. Our modern components provide beneficial features like instant updates through your smartphone app. You may even set certain tasks like having your surveillance cameras activate when a sensor is set off. Create your system today by dialing (302) 238-1722 or filling out the form below.